We help you reach your education and training goals.

Studyonline.ca features direct links to staff who provide the following free local services, both in person and virtually, from online learning centres across Ontario:

  • Information on more than 2,500+ online programs and 30,000+ online courses from Ontario’s 24 public colleges, 25 public universities, 9 Indigenous institutes, 76 district school boards, 200 literacy and basic skills providers, and 20 skills development training providers
  • Help to register, and information on financial aid
  • Technology Support Services
    • IT Technical Hotline
    • Use of computers and Internet
    • Use of technology platforms to participate in courses
Students studying

Here at studyonline.ca, you’ll find:

  • Google-like search functionality
    • Search for information on thousands of online programs and courses from Ontario’s education and training providers.
    • Use our comprehensive search filters to customize your results. Search by institution, semester, field of study, delivery method, full-time, part-time and more.
  • Live support – Connect with a real person at our Student Information Hotline via the 1-877-999-9149 toll-free line, live chat or email. You can also get in-person support at one of our local online learning centres.
  • Free demos of online and distance education courses – See for yourself what online learning is all about.
  • Student services – Find links to hundreds of support services from Ontario’s public colleges and universities, including academic advising, employment, credit transfer, financial assistance, libraries, online tutoring and prior learning assessments.
  • Locations list – Check out our list of online learning centres for in-person, tailored information and support for your specific needs.