Education & Training Partners >>
Durham College consists of two campuses in the Greater Toronto Area.
They offer:
- Professors with years of experience working in their field to help ensure their programs provide you with the skills employers are looking for
- More than 100 different full-time programs focused on employer demand and developed in conjunction with advisory committees that include business and industry experts who bring a real-life perspective to your academic experience
- Four decades of teaching students everything they need to succeed in the workplace and get what they want most after graduation – a rewarding career

Durham College Counselling
Talk confidentially with a trained counsellor, nurse or mental health worker, to help find solutions to problems, overcome obstacles and open new possibilities.
The Office of the Registrar, in conjunction with the Vice-president, Academic and the academic schools will facilitate the processing of requests.
You will need regular access to a computer with an internet connection. High speed broadband access (LAN, Cable or DSL) is highly recommended for the optimal learning experience.
Durham College Prior Learning Assessments Procedure (PDF)
Candidates must complete a PLAR Registration form, PLAR Policies and Procedures form and pay a non-refundable fee.
Durham College – Access and Support Centre
The Durham College – Access and Support Centre provides services to students with disabilities. Accommodation supports include testing, transition, advocacy, learning skills, adaptive technology training, alternate format course material, and more.
The Student Association at Durham College and UOIT
Offering students access to a variety of on-campus services including a bike depot, sexual health centre, legal services and much more.