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The Royal Military College of Canada or RMC is the military academy of the Canadian Forces, and is a degree-granting university. It prepares officer-cadets for a career in the profession of arms and continues the development of other Canadian Forces (CF) members and civilians with interest in defense issues.
The mandate of the RMC Division of Continuing Studies is to make university education available to all members of the Canadian Forces, spouses and DND civilian employees. Canadian Forces and other professional training is recognized for credit towards undergraduate or advanced degrees.
Unique degree programs, specially tailored for CF members, include:
- Bachelor of Military Arts & Sciences,
- Master of Defence Management and Policy, and
- Master of Arts in War Studies

Royal Military College of Canada – Writing Centre
The Centre offers students individual tutoring meetings scheduled as needed for each individual editorial, tennis teaching modules on grammatical or structural problems, as well as workshops on specific problems.
Royal Military College of Canada Library
Access the RMC library from off campus, search for books and articles, and find out about the research strategy tutorial.