Education & Training Partners >>
Carleton University offers a variety of flexible online courses via synchronous, asynchronous and blended.
To reflect the current public health crisis, Carleton’s Winter 2021 courses are being offered through online methods of teaching. The most up-to-date course offerings are available on Carleton Central and through the public class schedule.
Carleton’s decisions about course delivery continue to be informed by the guidelines set by public health authorities and government regulations.

Carleton University – Academic Advising Centre
Students can meet on-on-one with an academic advisor to discuss their educational plans.
Carleton University Graduate Students’ Association (GSA)
Represents the full- and part-time graduate students registered at Carleton. One of the GSA’s primary goals is to promote communication between grad students and the university administration.
Carleton University – Credit Transfer Information
Once students have applied to Carleton, their previous studies will be assessed for transfer credit on a case by case basis, subject to degree, grade and program requirements.
Carleton University – IT Helpdesk
The ITS Help Centre houses documentation and support to help you with all your technology needs at Carleton.
Carleton University Financial Aid Office
The Awards and Financial Aid Office is currently open during regular business hours on Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm.
Carleton University – Maxwell MacOdrum Library
This site offers news, a list of library services, as well as course and subject guides.
Carleton University – Centre for Indigenous Initiatives
Carleton University – Centre for Indigenous Initiatives aims to increase the recruitment and retention of Aboriginal students, faculty and staff at Carleton by ensuring Aboriginal cultures, traditions, and worldviews are respected and represented on campus.
Resources on How to Study Online Successfully (SOS)
Department | Resource Name | Type | Description | Link |
Carleton Online | Online Learning Resources | Website with text | Online courses offer flexibility and convenience, but they also present unique challenges that traditional face-to-face courses do not. This website shares resources to help students succeed, including navigating online courses, learning strategies and best practices, time management, the learning space, interaction and engagement, and more. | Click here |