Lambton College, in Sarnia, was one of Ontario’s first colleges (officially opened in 1966). The college was originally founded on its technology programs, but today it offers a wide variety of programs in Health Sciences, Community Services, Public Safety, Fire Science, Business, Liberal Studies and Technology.  

At Lambton, Continuing / Distance education is offered through the Centre for Part-time Studies. Courses are offered in a variety of formats, including in-class and online.

student on a laptop
Lambton Academic Counselling Counsellors are available to assist you with program and course related questions.

Lambton College Career Counselling
Counsellors can assist with deciding on an academic program, provide career resource information, and information on transfers to universities or colleges.

Lambton College Library Resource Centre
This centre offers web search tools, online tutorials, an online catalogue, and much more.

Lambton College – Credit Transfer Information

If you are attending or have completed a program at another post-secondary institution and are interested in transferring to Lambton College, we can help you.

Lambton College – IT Helpdesk
The IT Helpdesk is your source of assistance for all things IT.

Lambton College PLAR Policy (PDF)
A student requesting PLAR does not need to be enrolled in a College program, but must demonstrate that through life experience, non‐formal study, or work and training experience that they have the background to undertake PLAR.

Lambton College Indigenous Student Centre
Lambton College provides a culturally sensitive and academically stimulating environment for students with Aboriginal backgrounds.

Lambton College Student Administrative Council
Responsible for locker rentals, grad photos, student housing and a Ride Board where students can share and coordinate rides.

Lambton College Peer Tutoring
Peer tutoring is available to any full-time student who is attending classes on a regular basis at Lambton College.

Resources on How to Study Online Successfully (SOS)

DepartmentResource NameTypeDescriptionLink
Online EducationGuide to Online Learning for StudentsSelf-paced course (free)In this eBit mini-course, students learn to employ learning strategies that successful online learners use, including how to create a positive and efficient workspace, tactics for staying motivated and meeting goals, and skills for managing time and creating structure.Click here
Online EducationTips for SuccessArticleThese tips help students plan and prepare for the start of their course to ensure success at the end of it.Click here