Seneca Polytechnic, a leader in post-secondary education, has campuses throughout the Greater Toronto Area. Students can choose from more than 500 career options and receive the academic knowledge, workplace experience and practical training needed to succeed. Among the programs at Seneca Polytechnic to receive national and international acclaim are finance, aviation, early childhood education, electronic engineering, fashion, fire protection, international business and marketing, legal studies, and 3D digital animation.

The Faculty of Continuing Education and Training of Seneca Polytechnic offers a diverse range of relevant, innovative and flexible part-time programs and services which recognize a variety of markets and learner profiles. Seneca offers courses in the following areas of study:

  • Faculty of Applied Arts & Health Sciences
  • Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering Technology
  • Faculty of Business
  • Faculty of Information Arts & Technology
  • Faculty of Continuing Education
  • Faculty of Workforce Skills Development
Seneca Polytechnic Foundations for Success
Seneca can give directed advice to assist in achieving academic success by connecting students to Success Strategists.

Seneca Polytechnic – Credit Transfer Information
Transfer credits are granted for courses taken at another recognized postsecondary institution that are deemed equivalent to a course at Seneca

Seneca Polytechnic – IT Helpdesk
The Information Technology Services (ITS) department provides a wide range of services, including accounts, email, wireless internet access, printing, audio/visual equipment rental and more.
Seneca Polytechnic Library
Search the library catalogue or get help with research with their tutorials or quick reference tools.
Seneca Polytechnic – Prior Learning Assessment
If you can demonstrate that the knowledge you have gained meets the outcomes of a Seneca subject, credit will be awarded.
Seneca Polytechnic – Indigenous Student Services
Seneca provides many services and direct support to Aboriginal students.

Seneca Student Federation Inc.
Offering services dedicated to international students, a health plan, a student development grant and a dedicated prayer space.

Seneca Polytechnic – Foundations for Success
Seneca provides services such as free tutoring and workshops for students.

Resources on How to Study Online Successfully (SOS)