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Enter or select your town or city from this list and we will connect you with one of our staff members to help you meet your online learning goals!
Your supporting staff member is:
Jennifer Parsons
Education & Training Advisor
Territory: Central Algoma
Telephone: 1-855-901-3425
Email: centralalgoma@contactnorth.ca
Edith Kealy
Territory: Chatham Kent - Lambton
Telephone: 1-855-353-5949
Email: chathamkentlambton@contactnorth.ca
Nova Lachance
Territory: Cochrane District
Telephone: 1-855-658-3444
Email: cochranedistrict@contactnorth.ca
Student Information Hotline
Territory: Toronto
Telephone: 1-877-999-9149
Email: help@contactnorth.ca
Live Chat:
Catharine Robb-Williams
Territory: Dufferin Wellington Simcoe
Telephone: 1-855-355-8830
Email: dufferinwellington@contactnorth.ca
Matthew Walker
Territory: Durham Region
Telephone: 1-888-220-6601
Email: durhamregion@contactnorth.ca
Robert DiBartolomeo
Territory: Elgin Middlesex
Telephone: 1-855-451-7516
Email: elginmiddlesex@contactnorth.ca
Territory: Etobicoke
Angel White
Territory: Grand River
Telephone: 1-855-833-0108
Email: grandriver@contactnorth.ca
Connie Jefferson
Territory: Grey-Bruce
Telephone: 1-855-488-5212
Email: greybruce@contactnorth.ca
Tiffany Crowe
Territory: Hastings Limestone
Telephone: 1-855-899-4788
Email: hastingslimestone@contactnorth.ca
Territory: Hearst District
Telephone: 1-855-856-1717
Email: hearstdistrict@contactnorth.ca
Marie Bouchard
Territory: Hub of the North
Telephone: 1-855-840-1810
Email: hubofthenorth@contactnorth.ca
Jeffrey Scholl
Territory: Huron Bluewater
Telephone: 1-855-656-1232
Email: huronbluewater@contactnorth.ca
Jeffery Scholl
Stephanie Aitchison
Territory: Kirkland Lake District
Telephone: 1-855-710-5505
Email: kirklandlakedistrict@contactnorth.ca
Dessa Bastone
Territory: Lake of the Woods North
Telephone: 1-855-352-5503
Email: lakeofthewoods@contactnorth.ca
Laura Alderton-Ellis
Director, Recruitment & Partnerships
Territory: Lambton Shores Caradoc
Telephone: 1-855-473-1474
Email: lambtonshorescaradoc@contactnorth.ca
Territory: Manitoulin Island
Telephone: 1-855-221-2185
Email: manitoulinisland@contactnorth.ca
Samantha Hadley
Territory: Mid North
Telephone: 1-855-671-6453
Email: midnorth@contactnorth.ca
Rim El Hasbani
Territory: Mississauga Oakville
Telephone: 1-855-483-9392
Email: mississaugaoakville@contactnorth.ca
David Perron
Territory: Mushkegowuk
Telephone: 1-855-416-2667
Email: mushkegowuk@contactnorth.ca
Kelly Dunlop
Territory: Muskoka Haliburton
Telephone: 1-855-699-6330
Email: muskokahaliburton@contactnorth.ca
Aki Cook
Territory: Niagara Region
Telephone: 1-888-715-8001
Email: niagararegion@contactnorth.ca
Josephine Rocheleau
Territory: Nipissing East
Telephone: 1-855-352-7226
Email: nipissingeast@contactnorth.ca
Leigh Kitlar
Territory: Nipissing West
Telephone: 1-855-483-8660
Email: nipissingwest@contactnorth.ca
Territory: North York
Chloe Craig
Territory: Northumberland Peterborough
Telephone: 1-855-361-1421
Email: northumberlandpeterborough@contactnorth.ca
Adela Polacek
Territory: Ottawa Carleton
Telephone: 1-833-344-1396
Email: ottawacarleton@contactnorth.ca
Kyle Hodgins
Territory: Oxford Waterloo
Telephone: 1-855-357-1894
Email: oxfordwaterloo@contactnorth.ca
Territory: Parry Sound & Area
Telephone: 1-855-352-1531
Email: parrysoundandarea@contactnorth.ca
Territory: Scarborough
Stephanie Sheppey
Territory: South Simcoe
Telephone: 1-855-632-0764
Email: southsimcoe@contactnorth.ca
Territory: Sudbury East
Telephone: 1-833-253-7878
Email: sudburyeast@contactnorth.ca
Laurel Albisser
Territory: Sunset Country
Telephone: 1-855-539-2993
Email: sunsetcountry@contactnorth.ca
Guneet Oberoi
Territory: Superior Greenstone
Telephone: 1-855-375-2790
Email: superiorgreenstone@contactnorth.ca
Territory: Temiskaming Shores
Email: temiskamingshores@contactnorth.ca
Tracy Jackson
Territory: Thunder Bay City
Telephone: 1-855-483-8721
Email: thunderbay@contactnorth.ca
Valerie Kolodka
Territory: Thunder Bay Outskirts
Telephone: 1-855-900-3320
Email: thunderbayoutskirts@contactnorth.ca
Serina Seguin
Territory: Timmins East
Telephone: 1-855-840-5877
Email: timminseast@contactnorth.ca
Territory: Timmins West
Telephone: 1-855-352-1410
Email: timminswest@contactnorth.ca
Natalie Deschamps
Territory: Upper Canada
Telephone: 1-855-353-2642
Email: uppercanada@contactnorth.ca
Emma St. Pierre
Territory: Upper Ottawa Valley
Telephone: 1-855-483-9396
Email: upperottawavalley@contactnorth.ca
Carmen Salloum
Territory: Windsor Essex
Telephone: 1-855-635-5151
Email: windsoressex@contactnorth.ca
Michelle Bissett
Territory: York Region
Telephone: 1-855-483-9492
Email: yorkregion@contactnorth.ca
We have online learning centres in communities across Ontario to support you. Use our directory and map below to find the centre nearest you.
Elliot Lake
Kettle and Stony Point First Nation
Kirkland Lake
Sandy Lake First Nation
Sioux Lookout
South Porcupine
St. Catharines
Thunder Bay