Ready to start thinking about your career?

Career planning doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Break it down into these easy steps, and you’re on your way to a rewarding future!

1. Find out more about your work abilities and learning style

Service Canada quizzes help you explore your work abilities, learning styles and work values. Once on the site, click the “Learn More” button to scroll to 3 quizzes related to your interests, abilities and work activities. There are many other resources for you on this site.

2. Explore your options

Now that you know about yourself, find what types of work would be a good fit.

3. Do more research

Now that you know what type of work interests you, the next step is to find out how that ties in with a career choice and what jobs are in high demand.

4. Plan your education

Find out which programs and courses are available to help reach your career goals.