Francophone students, we’ve got your back.

From education and training options to financial aid and job search tools, we’re sharing a wealth of resources that any Francophone student can use.

Education & training

Coalition ontarienne de formation des adultes (COFA)
COFA is a non-profit organization that promotes adult education in French in Ontario.

This is a French language tutoring service to help you with your homework if you’re in a French language school from grades 1 to 12.

Idéllo TFO
This French education TV website has various online educational tools and resources.

Financial aid

Franco-Ontarian Foundation This site offers access to many bursaries related to French education.

The Baxter et Alma Ricard Foundation
This foundation offers 25 bursaries valued at $2,000 each. Recipients are full-time students entering any year of any specialized undergraduate program, on the basis of financial need and Ontario residency as defined by OSAP. Preference is given to Francophones from Northern Ontario.

The Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)
OSAP helps Ontario students pay for their education.

The Association French Expression Lawyers of Ontario (AJEFO)
AJEFO gives two grants to students to help them continue their French studies in the field of justice.

Five-Week French-Language Bursary Program
Find out how you can discover another area of Canada while learning French.

Employment services and support

French for the Future
This is a not-for-profit organization that supports and encourages Canadian students who want to be bilingual.

Ministry of Francophone Affairs
This is a search tool to find Francophone services in your region.

Jeunesse Canada au travail (JCT)
This job search program helps you test your skills, establish your career, and improve your chance at a better job.

Looking for a job?
The Government of Canada has a list of sites and information in French to help you with your job search.

Working in Ontario
Find links to French sites where you can learn about job search tips and get tools and resources to help you find a job.

Public Service Commission of Canada
This is a job search tool for jobs in the federal government.

Ontario Public Service Careers
Looking for a career with the Government of Ontario?  Search for a job in the Ontario public service using this job search tool.
Search for a job by category or area in Ontario.
This site will help you stay up to date on the latest jobs and who’s hiring.