Resources >>
We’re a valuable resource for First Nations, Métis and Inuit students.
If you need information about Ontario’s Indigenous institutes, funding options, employment services or education and training options, you’ve come to the right spot.

Indigenous institutes
Ontario’s Indigenous institutes partner with colleges and universities in this province to offer degree, certificate and diploma programs, as well as apprenticeships.
Some institutes also provide secondary school programming, continuing education, literacy and basic skills training, and Native Language education programs.
- Anishinabek Education Institute
- FNTI (First Nations Technical Institute)
- Kenjgewin Teg Educational Institute
- Iohahi:io Akwesasne Adult Education Centre
- Oshki Pimache-O-Win: The Wenjack Education Institute
- Ogwehoweh Skills and Trades Training Centre
- Seven Generations Education Institute
- Shingwauk Kinoomaage Gamig
- Six Nations Polytechnic
Employment services & support
Canadian Indigenous Peoples Job Seekers Portal
This employment portal is fully dedicated to helping Indigenous jobseekers develop their career through training resources, skills development, how-to guides, and 1,000s of job postings.
The Métis Nation of Ontario
This site has a wide selection of job search, training, and resource links. There is also a Summer Career Placement Program with job opportunities for Métis youth – if interested, call 1-800-263-4889 or email
The Working Centre (Kitchener/Waterloo)
No matter what type of job you’re looking for, this organization offers personalized job search assistance.
Funding & financial assistance
Government of Ontario
The Government of Ontario provides funding that can help you pay for a college, university or apprenticeship program after high school.
Indigenous Student Bursary
The Indigenous Student Bursary helps Indigenous students in financial need who are attending either a public college or university in Ontario or an approved Indigenous institute.
Indigenous Services Canada (ISC)
ISC programs can provide financial aid for eligible students to help offset tuition, travel or living expenses:
Indigenous Bursaries Search Tool
Use this tool to search more than 750 bursaries, scholarships and incentives offered by governments, universities and colleges, private and public companies, individual Canadians, organizations and others.
Indspire (formerly National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation)
This site contains a list of numerous awards, bursaries and scholarships administered by Indspire.
Aboriginal Scholarship Guide
If you are a First Nations, non-status Indian, Métis or Inuit) student, there are a variety of funding sources to help offset the financial burden of receiving an education. Check out these lists to determine which programs you may qualify for, and contact your local band office to see if you qualify for financial help with your full-time or part-time post-secondary studies.
Education & training
Ministry of Indigenous Affairs
This site provides resources on literacy and basic skills, Indigenous student services, schools and programs, and government resources.
Native Education & Training College (NETC)
The NETC is an education and training institute in North Bay that is committed to meeting the education and training needs of Indigenous people and communities by providing lifelong learning in a culturally sensitive learning environment.
Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres (OFIFC)
The OFIFC represents 29 friendship centres across Ontario with programs that promote education, economic development, children’s and youth initiatives, and cultural awareness.
Sioux-Hudson Literacy Council Good Learning Anywhere (GLA)
GLA provides online distance learning opportunities to help adults in Ontario upgrade their reading, writing, math, computer and other essentials skills to reach their educational, employment and personal goals. Funded by the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development, GLA is the Aboriginal Lead for eChannel and provides access to culturally relevant online learning. Courses can be taken at home or online from your local Contact North | Contact Nord online learning centre. Technical support is provided along with online instruction and mentoring. There is no charge for these courses.