The resources you need, when you need them.

From transitioning out of high school to finding scholarships and employment services, we can help you navigate what’s what. 

Education and training

Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB)
If you suffer from vision loss, the CNIB has support services that you might find useful.

Course List – A Life Worth Living
This course list provides accessibility training divided into three categories: Business Accessibility Toolkit (BAT), Accessible Digital Communications (ADC), and Professional BAT.

Deaf Learn Now
Deaf Learn Now offers online courses for adults who are deaf, deaf-blind and hard of hearing.

Deaf Referral Agencies Overview of
This American Sign Language (ASL) video describes the ways in which e-Channel, the online literacy and basic skills program, provides no-cost services to deaf adult Ontarians through Deaf Learn Now. The video is also subtitled.

Educational Support – Canadian Hearing Services (CHS)
CHS provides sign language interpreters, computerized note takers and assistive listening devices to give students an equal opportunity for success at school.

High School Transition Programs for Students with Disabilities
Get a sense of what to expect when beginning a post-secondary program by connecting with people who have first-hand experience.

SNOW – Special Needs Opportunity Window
SNOW offers news, resources and online courses on special education, adaptive technologies, inclusive design and web accessibility.

March of Dimes Employment Services
This wraparound service gives you on-the-job training to make sure you have the skills and knowledge you need to get and keep your job.

Financial aid

Education funding for people with disabilities Includes links to services, benefits and programs to help people with disabilities and their families.

Canada student grant for services and equipment for students with permanent disabilities
If you require exceptional education-related services or equipment, you may be eligible to receive this grant.

Disability Awards
This is your portal to awards and scholarships for students with disabilities studying at Canada’s colleges and universities.

Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities This fund supports many activities to help people with disabilities — especially those who aren’t eligible for Employment Insurance (EI) benefits — by helping them overcome the barriers they may face as they enter the labour market.

NEADS National Student Awards Program
is offered to encourage full access to post-secondary education for people with disabilities who often have extra costs and greater barriers to higher education.

Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario (LDAO) Scholarships
The LDAO offers an annual $1,000 scholarship award recognizing an Ontario high school student who has a documented learning disability and who will be attending a postsecondary institution in the upcoming academic year.

Bursary for Students with Disabilities (BSWD) and Canada Student Grant for Services and Equipment for Persons with Permanent Disabilities (CSG-PDSE)
These help full-time and part-time post-secondary students with the costs of their disability-related educational services and equipment.

Employment services and support

Employment Services – March of Dimes
March of Dimes offers services including skills assessment, job readiness training, paid placement, job search assistance and employment supports for youth.

Employment Services- Canadian Hearing Services (CHS)
The CHS offers job-related counselling, leads and referrals, interpreters for your interviews, and job accommodations and supports.

NEADS Online Work System (NOWS) The NEADS Online Work System (NOWS) is a bilingual, free, online tool where employers can post opportunities and search for job-ready candidates with disabilities.

This workbook series helps people with learning disabilities improve and enhance their employability and job-readiness skills.