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Yvonne Spicer
Yvonne Spicer is an adult learner who found the support she needed in Contact North | Contact Nord.
“I have had a good experience working with the Brantford location as they were very helpful and understanding.”
Grand River
Area of Study
Early Childhood Education
Calling all educators
Let Contact North | Contact Nord be your frontline support
Contact North | Contact Nord increases the number of underserved Ontario residents who take online programs and courses from Ontario’s colleges, universities, Indigenous institutes, and other providers while remaining in their community. We recruit and provide free support services to students in 1,500+ communities, in person at locations across the province, or by phone, email, live chat or virtually.
For support navigating online study options please contact us:
Adult learner finds the support she needs
“I have had a good experience working with the Brantford location as they were very helpful and understanding. They worked with me to help me upgrade from basic level to college level for English, and connected me with Lakehead Public Schools where I was able to do my upgrading online and passed with 82%. Then we met virtually to look at colleges for the diploma program in early childhood education … Once I am done I am going to be reaching out again to Contact North to provide me with some assistance to get into a diploma program at another college.”